Heee..don't worry about me, this just another admission about my craziness...
Since been a long time, I've had will to consult in a psychiatri or psychologist coz' I thought I was weird, I had manythings in my head, and sometimes a "suicidal ideation" through for a while in my mind.
I'm not crazy, I have a good family, I have many friends, and I really luv my life. But I admit that the idea sometimes in my head. Example like when I see d window, I'll think about how's feel if I throw my self from that window, or how's feel if I cut my artery (believe me, I know how deep I have to cut itu and where is it), or how's feel if I let the car hit me in a road...Do u think I'm normal with all of that in my head??
So...I have searched about suicide and found this :
James Hillman (psikolog Amerika aliran Jungian, dalam bukunya berjudul “suicide and the soul”) menyatakan bahwa bunuh diri adalah suatu dorongan dari jiwa manusia kepada kematian, oleh karena itu bunuh diri pada dasarnya tidak dapat dikatakan salah secara moral. I've found an unique fact for "SMOKER"..u have to read this..!!!
There have been various studies done showing a positive link between smoking, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.In a study conducted among nurses, those smoking between 1-24 cigarettes per day had twice the suicide risk; 25 cigarettes or more, 4 times the suicide risk, than those who had never smoked.In a study of 300,000 male U.S. Army soldiers, a definitive link between suicide and smoking was observed with those smoking over a pack a day having twice the suicide rate of non-smokers
Nahh..actually we design our deathness everyday, We do it slowly and always ignorantly.
So...looks like we're same, d different is I'm aware and u're not.
heee..like I don't need consult my self..
I'm normal, just little weird..*_^
Mantap!!! Tulisan ini dapat saya simpulkan seperti peringatan yang sering ditempel di rumah sakit dengan bahasa yang menakutkan, "Matikan rokok anda sebelum rokok matikan anda".
BalasHapusheeeeee..krna rokok mreka mmatikan kami jga..hee^^