
That's Dunkin' Donuts save my angriness??!!!

Eight a’clock in the morning..guess where I am..!! I’m here..at Dunkin Donut, Rawa Mangun, near from My Teaching Hospital, RS Persahabatan, the place where I should be, sitting in a room and attending the Morning Conference.

I hate this..really. I wasn’t late..I was there before seven past thirty, my appointment with my friends who got the radiology stase for this month, we didn’t have to join in a morning conference coz we had to go to RSCM hospital. We just needed the letter from the department secretary, so I went to the office..and nobody there, so I looked for my friends..where they were, but nobody hang up d phone. I couldn’t join the conference ‘coz I was just late, and I couldn’t walk around in a hospital too at that time. And suddenly, one of my friends sent me message that they joined the conference with all suck reason.

I really want to give you, my pic in this place with a scary face coz I feel so upset, uncomfortable, quite angry..Heee, tidak tahu seberapa penting Aku harus menyimpan semua kekesalan itu pagi ini. Hanya saja, ini tetap terasa mengganggu, so I can’t let it that feels go for a while. Kadang-kadang mnyenangkan juga, menikmati kekesalan..mengumpat dalam hati, meletakkan kesalahan itu pada objek di luar diri. Semacam upaya penyelamatan ego dari penyesalan sepanjang waktu. ^^

Do you think my angriness is appropriate??? YUPPPPPP....!!! I deserve, So..here I am, with a cup of tea + sandwich (some special breakfast from this place). Hope the tanin in my blood will relaxing my emotion and I can meet my friends with an unemotional face. Heee...

(I like this place...leave me alone with laptop, many novel, and my ponsel..that’s enough to give me a better time in my life)